DVxT Theatre Company
DVxT Theatre Company
15 Case Goods Lane, Suite 310
Toronto, Ontario M5A 3C4

T: 416 504-DVxT (3898) · E: info@dvxt.com

Theatre for the Critical Masses Youth Outreach

DVxT Theatre Company continues to inspire and enrich our community’s youth through our Arts Literacy Education program. Since our inception, we have fostered relationships with educators and students across the GTA.

DVxT believes arts program for students are essential tools for learning.

DVxT developed our Arts Literacy Education program because:

  • In today’s age of multimedia and technology, students often face challenges in learning how to communicate clearly and articulate their thoughts.
  • To succeed in today's economy of ideas, students must attain competency in using words, images, sounds and motion to communicate.
  • Research in Canada and the United States proves that students who receive high quality arts education develop higher-level skills to solve problems; they show a great capacity to use reason, language and math skills to solve problems.
  • Students who receive arts education are also more creative, more self-disciplined, more tolerant and better able to think critically and communicate. Active participation and learning in the arts improves overall academic achievement.

Our Arts Literacy Education programme includes:

  • matinée performances offered at a discounted rate for schools
  • free professional on-line study guides for teachers
  • post-performance talkbacks that allow students to meet the cast and director
  • optional in-class workshops with cast and director

Our student programme and matinées for The Doll House and St. Christopher were a huge success - selling out quickly to secondary schools across the GTA.

Downloadable Study Guides:

(right click and save target)
-Turn of the Screw Study Guide (pdf)
-The Doll House Study Guide (pdf)
-St. Christopher Study Guide (pdf)

For more information contact our producer Rupal Shah.